Name |
Eugene Henry Mabee |
Birth |
Nov 1856 |
Gasport, Niagara County, New York [1, 2] |
Gender |
Male |
Census |
11 Jul 1860 |
Reynales Basin PO, Royalton Township, Niagara County, New York [3] |
- Marcus Mabee, 32, M, Farmer, $6000, $600, NY
Elizabeth Mabee, 28, F, NY
Eugene H. Mabee, 3, M, NY
Census |
20 Jun 1865 |
Royalton Township, Niagara County, New York [4] |
- Marcus Mabee, 37, M, W, Head, born in Niagara, 1 children born, married 1 time, now married, Miller & Farmer, owned land
Elizabeth B Mabee, 33, F, W, Wife, born in Livingston, 1 children born, married 1 time, now married
Eugene H Mabee, 8, M, W, Son, born in Niagara
and a laborer, Robert A Hacker, 19, and a servant, Ellen Whalen, 20
Lived in a frame house worth $1500
Census |
16 Jun 1870 |
Gasport PO, Royalton Township, Niagara County, New York [5] |
- Marcus Mabee, 42, M, W, Owns Grist Mill & Farm, $20000, $1900, NY
Elizabeth C. Mabee, 38, F, W, Keeping House, NY
Eugene H. Mabee, 13, M, W, Attending School, NY
Marcus Mabee Jr., 1, M, W, NY
Ann Hogan, 23, F, W, Ireland
Census |
18 Jun 1875 |
Royalton Township, Niagara County, New York [6] |
- Marcus Mabee, 47, M, Head, born in Niagara County, married, Miller, owns land
Elizabeth Mabee, 43, F, Wife, born in Livingston County, married
Eugene H Mabee, 18, M, Child, born in Niagara County, single
Mary A Mabee, 6, F, Child, born in Niagara County [this is Marcus Jr]
with a laborer and a servant
Lived in a framed house worth $2000
Census |
Jun 1880 |
Town of Royalton, Niagara County, New York [7] |
- Marcus Mabee, White, 52, Head, Male, Married, Miller, born in New York, Father born in New York, Mother born in New York
Elizabeth C. Mabee, White, Female, 48, Wife, Married, Keeping House, born in New York, Father born in New York, Mother born in New York
Eugene H. Mabee, White, Male, 23, Son, Single, At Home, born in New York, Father born in New York, Mother born in New York
Marcus Mabee, White, Male, 11, Son, Single, At Home, attended school, born in New York, Father born in New York, Mother born in New York
Katie Murphy, White, Female, 24, Single, Servant, born in New York, Father born in Ireland, Mother born in Ireland
Census |
4 Jun 1900 |
Niagara Falls, Niagara County, New York [1] |
- Eugene H Mabee, Head, M, W, Nov 1856, 43, M, 9, New York, New York, New York, US Customs Officer
Alice D Mabee, Wife, W, F, Dec 1860, 39, M, 9, 2 children born - still living 2, New York, New York, England
Marion A Mabee, Daughter, W, F, Sept 1893, 6, S, New York, New York, New York, At School
Marcus R Mabee, Son, W, M, July 1898, 1, S, New York, New York, New York
Witness-Obituary |
8 Jul 1902 |
Lockport, Niagara County, New York [8] |
- Mrs. Elizabeth Clark Mabee, relict of the late Marcus Mabee of Gasport, died at the home of her son, Eugene H. Mabee, at 915 South St., Niagara Falls at 8:15 o'clock in the morning, aged 70 years. The deceased was one of the best known residents of Gasport where she resided for many years until she removed to Niagara Falls, where she took up residence with her son. She has been a sufferer for some time. The remains will be taken to Gasport on the train leaving Niagara Falls at 12:45 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, where the funeral will be held from her old home. The interment will be made in Skeel's Cemetery.
Census |
2 May 1910 |
2820 McKoon Avenue, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, New York [9] |
- Eugene H Maybee, Head, M, W, 53, M1, 20, New York, New York, New York, Customs Clerk, U. S. Customs
Alice Maybee, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 20, 2 children born and living, New York, New York, New York, none
Marion A Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, New York, New York, New York, attended school
Marcus Maybee, Son, M, W, 11, S, New York, New York, New York, attended school
Census |
2 Jan 1920 |
2820 McKoon Avenue, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, New York [10] |
- Eugene H Mabee, Head, M, W, 63, M, New York, New York, New York, Customs Office, Government, owns mortgaged home
Alice B Mabee, Wife, F, W, 59, M, New York, New York, England
Marcus R Mabee, Son, M, W, 21, S, New York, New York, New York, Coal Bod Mgr, Carbon Fcty
Census |
Apr 1930 |
2820 McKoon Avenue, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, New York [11] |
- Eugene H Mabee, Head, owns house worth $8000, M, W, 73, M, age at first marriage 34, New York, New York, New York, retired
Alice Mabee, Wife, F, W, 69, M, age at first marriage 30, New York, New York, England, housekeeper, private
Info |
- Marcus Richard Mabee, Jr. #130 of Buffalo, NY
Death |
21 Jul 1932 |
Niagara Falls, Niagara County, New York [12, 13] |
Obituary |
22 Jul 1932 |
Niagara Falls, New York [12] |
- Eugene H. Mabee, 75 years old, retired deputy collector of customs at this port, died at his home. 2820 McKoon avenue, at 4:45 a. m. today, after more than, a year's illness. Mr. Maybee had been connected with the customs service for 37 years but had retired a number of years ago.
The funeral will be held from the family home at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Burial will be in the Mountain Ridge cemetery, Royalton, with services at the grave under the auspices of Gasport lodge, No. 787, F. and A. M., of which the decedent was a member.
Mr Mabee was known throughout this city and Niagara county. Born in Royalton, he had lived in Niagara Falls for 41 years. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Mabee, of Royalton. His grandfather and grandmother had been among the early settlers of Niagara county, having moved here in 1810.
Surviving him are his wife. Alice: a son, Marcus R. Mabee. of Kenmore, and a daughter, Mrs. Cecil F. Masters, of Niagara Falls. Ont. He also leaves two grandchildren
Mr. Mabee's illness had been critical a large part of the past year.
Reference Number |
9584 |
Burial |
Orangeport Cemetery, Royalton Township, Niagara County, New York [14] |
Person ID |
I9532 |
Maybee Society |
Last Modified |
7 Apr 2024 |